The Car Subscription Services You Should Know

Car Subscription Services

If you drive less than 10,000 miles per year, you might be able to save money by signing up for a car subscription service. These services allow you to rent a car for a monthly fee, often at a discounted rate. Some of these services allow you to pick which car you want to rent, while others have a set car model. Most of these services have a no mileage limit, so you can drive as much as you want each month. Most subscription services also allow you to swap out a car whenever you want, which is great if you have special maintenance needs or want to try different cars.

What to consider: You will likely have a one-time sign-up or maintenance fee, and you will pay a monthly fee for the length of your contract. Most of these contracts last 36 or 24 months, which can be a long time to be responsible for a car. You’ll want to make sure there is adequate coverage if something happens to the car during the contract.

Other Car Subscription Services

If you don’t want to pay a monthly fee, there are other car services that allow you to rent cars for a one-time fee. However, these can be very expensive. Some of these services only allow you to rent cars with unlimited mileage, so you’ll have to drive the car for at least several weeks before getting the chance to return it. If you do not plan on driving the car for several weeks or more, then this might not be a good service for you. Many of these services also require an upfront deposit before renting the car, which could be difficult if your credit card has insufficient funds.

What to consider: You will have a one-time sign-up or maintenance fee and will pay a one-time fee upfront when renting the car. These can be a lot of money upfront and may not be worth it if there are other options available that provide similar services at less cost.